They embarassed me by telling the staff it was my birthday so the could humiliate me by singing to me while I was wearing that stupid hat. It's a good thing that I was drinking my second margarita so I didn't feel the total humiliation! haha No, I don't have a picture of it either.
Sunday, we went riding around, showing Mom the area. We stopped at a local park and Chris wanted to show us how manly he was by wrestling a long horn bull.
I think the long horn won.
We walked around on the bed of the river where you could see the ruts made by the wagon wheels from way back when. This was a trail that was well traveled.
This the rock that Round Rock got it's name from. It was used as a way to measure how deep the river was.
We had a great time, Chris only got us lost once. Chris made his famous steaks for us that night! Personally, I think his steaks are worth the 7 hour drive to come see us!! haha
Monday, I took off work so I could spend the day with Momma. We spent the day looking at paint and carpet samples, then Chris, Mom and I headed to San Marcus where we met up with Brenda and Barbara. I'm so glad my mom got to come down and spend my birthday with me.
Between my mom coming and the amazing workshop that my wonderful husband gave to me, turning 40 was not nearly as bad as I was expecting. I'm actually proud to say that I'm 40!
Here is one using the normal settings with no light (the way I normally shoot)
This is the one using Jerry's light set up and the settings that he would use with his camera
I met a very nice guy there by the name of Duane Allen Clark. He was kind enough to take a few shots of me while I was photographing the model.