Well, Chris' mom, aunt Joyce and his grandma Ruby came this weekend to visit. We had a great time, and it was really nice to see some familiar faces!! lol
They got in Saturday afternoon after a very loooong drive. Since we knew they would be tired from the drive, Chris decided to grill steaks for us. If you haven't had one of his steaks, then you need to come visit! He's better than any restaurant around! We had the steaks, salad and my famous Texas Mashed pototoes! They're so famous Owens stole the recipe and sells them in the stores now! We visited for a while and Chris took his aunt and mom to HEB plus to get some sweets and show them how huge the place was! I think it's bigger than Wally world.
We watched National Lampoons vacation on TV and just chilled. Sunday, we went to San Marcos to the Aquamarine Center. They don't have the pig anymore.Not much to do there, but we did go on the glass bottom boat ride, which was interesting, and went through the exhibit.
Then we traveled on down to San Antonio to see the Alamo. We couldn't find any parking and it was packed around the place. Duh, it was a holiday weekend, no wonder!
Besides, Chris was getting aggravated because 4 women were in the car trying to talk and give directions. I think he was about ready to dump us and run! So, we gave up on that, but we did get to drive around the Alamo. About 5 times around. Then we figured out how to get back to the interstate so we could go eat at Mamacitas. That's the great restaurant that my cousin took us to last month. We realy wanted his family to go to it. The ambiance is wonderful there. Well, I called and got us directions, but of course I heard wrong, so we ended up leaving San Antonio and knew we were going the wrong way when we saw signs for Corpus Christi and Houston. Before we knew it we were heading towards Houston. I called my mom and asked for my cousin Brenda's number. (Sorry for being rude mom! I was scared!! lol) After talking with Brenda and still not being able to find the road to Mamacitas, we all decided not to get off of IH35 north, because we KNEW that road lead home!. By that time we were all ready to go home!
When we hit New Braunfels, we saw a Mamacitas and stopped (it could be seen from the interstate, so there was NO WAY we could get lost again!!) It wasn't as nice as the one in San Antonio, but it was food. After making it back to familiar territory, Chris took us by Westinghouse where he had worked a few days on a job there. He wanted them to see the Texas Longhorns. The real ones, not the team! lol
After looking at the Longhorns, Chris decided to take one of his famous "shortcuts" to the house. Along the way, we saw a subdivision that had model homes open. Of course, I found a house I wanted!! lol It was really nice!! Nice price tag too. After walking through the house, Ruby falling because she missed a step, Chris embarassing us by using the bathroom in a model house, it was time to go! Of course before he could get us home, he had to get lost again! When we FINALLY made it home, I was about ready to kiss the ground!! lol
We had alot of fun, and as you can tell, we had an adventure too. I hated to see them go. I wish we could have had another day or two at least. There were alot of things we would have like to have done, but most were closed on a Sunday. I hope that they can come again and maybe stay longer.
Here are some of the pictures taken on our adventure:
Here's just a view of the water

This is one of the boats we went on

Mamaw Ruby

Joyce and Janice

A diver in the water

A view from the glass bottom boat. The water was really clear

This was a turtle in one of the exhibits

A baby turtle....ain't he cute?

One of the Longhorns.