Ok, so I haven't posted in a while so I need to catch up!!
Well alot has happened in the past few months, especially for my Mom and Glen! Glen had to have hip replacement surgery and that went ok. About a week after he got home, he sat down in a chair and popped it out and had to be taken by ambulance to the hospital. That got taken care of, then Mom told me that he passed out in the kitchen one evening. Thankfully Ryan has been there with Momma to help out.
Then Glen started bleeding from his incision and went back to the hospital. Turns out he had contracted a staff infection that was pretty bad. Bad enough that he was going to have to stay in the hospital for about 6 weeks to take some really strong antibiotics. He was due to get out on July 4th, but that's not going to happen now.
A couple of weeks ago, he ended up with pnuemonia. He had gotten over that and seemed to be doing fine when last Monday morning (6/25/07)Mom gets a call from the hospital and Glen was put in CCU on a ventilator and was kept sedated. On Tuesday, he was in critical condition and my aunt Venita told me that it was really serious and that I should come so that I could at least get to say goodbye to him. So I made plans to come and left word with everyone at work that I woud probably not be back that week.
I called Mom that evening and she told me not to come because he was starting to do better and since the weather was so bad, she would worry more about me being on the road by myself. We agreed that I would wait until the morning and see how he did during the night and if there were any changes she would call me immediately. I waited at home until I talked to her, and Glen had actually improved some during the night. He was able to nod his head and understand what she was saying to him.
Momma still didn't want me driving up there so I agreed not to. I wanted to be there with her if nothing else but to put my arm around her and to see Glen and let him know that I loved him. But the last thing I wanted was to give Momma something else to worry about. I'm not the best driver in the world and Momma and Glen both know that! lol Glen especially, as he's had to pull me out of a ditch in the pouring rain in the middle of the night!
So as of Saturday, Glen is still improving! They have lowered the breaths of the ventilator to 8 and he's doing about 10 on his own. Hopefully they will remove it soon! We may try and go home next weekend to see him. Chris' family had already planned to come down here for vacation so we stayed here this weekend since Glen was doing so much better.
Thank all of you for your prayers and support!
I'll keep everyone posted!