We got to see Shamu, ride some rides, get soaked in the rain and just have a great time! Had the lazy people in the house gotten the tails up so we could leave at 8 like we planned, we would have had more time to see the rest of the park. As always with this family.....nothing goes as planned!! haha

After the downpour of rain, I saw this beautiful rainbow!

Kailey trying to touch the dolphins. I was so scared that she was going to fall in. Chris was more worried about my camera falling in......Men!

This fish tank was really nice!!

Loved this fish!! Gorgeous!

This is the Atlantis ride that Janice, Heath, Kailey and Kendra went on

Here's Janice, Heath, Kailey and Kendra after their soaking!!

And the much talked about, highly anticipated, never live down till the day I die photo.......

And just in case you couldn't get enough.......here's a close up!

Go ahead. Laugh. The only thing that would have made it funnier would be if I had swallowed a bug! Of course miss 5 yr old Kailey saying "Aunt Angi's a scardey cat" didn't help my dignity! So I'm afraid of heights! Sue me!!!
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